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Political Economy of Disinformation

Disinformation and propaganda can be understood as economic activities associated with the so-called influence industry. The online disinformation ecosystem depends on the precarious conditions of production and regulation of digital communication, since the functioning of content recommendation and distribution systems on digital platforms not only allows, but also promotes and monetizes criminal content of various types, as long as generate audience and interactions. The lack of effective mechanisms to protect users makes these platforms favorable environments, often with financial incentives, for the promotion of scams, fraud and various types of crimes and manipulations.

Advertising is the basis of the business model of digital platforms, and plays a central role in the marketing strategy of permanent disinformation campaigns, which use microtargeting, repetition and amplification of conspiratorial, denialist and hyper-partisan narratives. Such campaigns can involve coordinated interactions between private sector agents, political actors, and organizations from society and the State, benefiting the platforms themselves and moving precarious markets for the production of content that circulates online.

In this line of research, we seek to bring togethersystematic evidence on the economic and political relationships that sustain the online disinformation industry. We seek to contribute with critical and empirical approaches to respond to the challenges of investigating these new propaganda and manipulation strategies. The projects in this line are dedicated to identifying, in disinformation campaigns, their sources of financing and monetization of content on social media and junk news sites, the actors and organizations involved, and the tactics of programmatic advertising and commercial manipulation of the socio-technical conditions of the internet in Brazil.

Studies in Progress

EcoJunk: mapeamento dos sites de junk news no ecossistema brasileiro de mídias digitais

O objetivo deste projeto é estudar as estratégias de produção, coordenação e disseminação online de desinformação no Brasil. Para isso, analisamos os aspectos fundamentais da economia política de sites de junk news, como os proprietários, as formas de financiamento e atuação multiplataforma desses portais.

​Desinformação anti-imprensa: análise multiplataforma das campanhas de difamação da mídia tradicional no Brasil

Deslegitimar os veículos da mídia tradicional para disputar influência na opinião pública é uma estratégia chave em campanhas de desinformação online, explorando tensões históricas entre imprensa, política e sociedade. Analisamos as principais narrativas, atores envolvidos e impactos deste fenômeno.

Financiamento da desinformação online: anúncios pagos e monetização de campanhas de desinformação

Anúncios digitais estão no centro do modelo de negócios das maiores empresas de mídia e tecnologia do mundo. Este projeto analisa as possibilidades e limitações na transparência e auditoria desses conteúdos, e investiga o uso nocivo da publicidade digital para impulsionar golpes, fraudes e campanhas de desinformação.


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